There are a million stories that arise when you sit behind Will. These are some of them.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Dynamite with a laser beam...

First, a semi-shameful admission. I started a conversation with Will yesterday specifically in order to be able to blog about it. The cart, ladies and gentlemen, has begun to lead the horse. In other words, civilization is spiraling out of control. And, like my buddy Tommy Stearns said, the end comes not with a whimper, but with a blog.

Now let's forget that paragraph ever happened, and resume.

The other day I told Will I heard that Queen guitar player Brian May recently received his PhD after taking a 20-plus year sabbatical to be a rock star.
According to an LA Times interview, May recently dusted off his incomplete thesis paper and, with encouragement from an old teacher, got back to work.

I took my old thesis notes [on the velocities of dust particles in the solar system] out on tour with me and I mentioned on my website that I was looking at my thesis again. Who should read the website but the head of the astronomy department at Imperial College, Michael Robinson. He wrote to me and said, “If you’re serious about this, I will be your supervisor.”

Some notes. First, that means that Brian May is now "Dr. May." If he's ever referred to as such in the company of Austin Powers and a sexy nurse, I have little doubt the phrase "I'm no doctor, but yes, you may, baby" will be uttered (I'm not proud of writing that, but I think Barberganoush will appreciate it). Secondly, I hope this is a new rock star trend, as Mick Jagger was an accounting student before joining the Stones, and the world needs hip shaking Keynesian economic theories now more than ever.


Adam Bulger said...

In case anybody wants to be a dick about it, yes, I got the TS Elliot quote wrong. I apologize, but will argue that "not with a blog, but with a whimper" doesn't work as a joke at all, and that the line has been misquoted and re-appropriated so many times (like in the movie "Southland Tales," where characters misquote the line throughout the movie) that both versions have currency.

chillwill said...

dude, you also totally thought copenhagen was in germany the other morning!