There are a million stories that arise when you sit behind Will. These are some of them.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Four More Years!

Will just slapped a W'04 sticker on the back of my chair. I caught him in mid slap, as I turned around during the moment he was trying to sneaky-stick it on.

Of course, I have no problem with the sticker. Well, I'm worried the adhesive will stay on the cloth chair, but politically or culturally I have zero problem with it.

My only regret is that I probably won't have time to make my t-shirt idea before the election. I want a picture of McCain and the words "POWs are Pussies" on the front, and "What, he got captured and we're supposed to applaud" on the back. I think it could really turn the tide for Bob Barr.

Monday, September 29, 2008


W: That's why I'm gonna miss your sparkling-wine like personality.

A: Are you saying my personality is something you give to 15-year-old girls so they get drunk enough to make out with you?

W: What I'm saying is that you're like champagne, and that means there is sex in the champagne room. Wait. Is that a compliment?

A: Honestly, there was so much bizarre imagery zooming through my head I don't even want to try making sense of it.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Exit, stage right

As you may or may not know, Will is snagglepussing out of CT. So, right now, there's a good chance this blog may either be mothballed soon or maybe repurposed.

just so ya know.

(However, just because Will won't be directly behind me doesn't mean that we could still be sitting behind each other, with a lot more distance. So, that's a consideration.)